Family Mentoring

What It Is

“I remember the earliest days of my dad’s Alzheimer’s journey. I remember feeling overwhelmed by the gradual losses and the “goodbyes” that had already begun. And I remember the challenge of trying to navigate the significant decisions during those first days, months and years.” – Karla

Karla brings that poignant perspective and her empathy to this unique service, available to those at any milestone of the Alzheimer’s marathon. Her belief? That with personal guidance and support, families can reach those milestones with just a little more peace and comfort.

How it Works

Intended as a complement to the rich resources of community organizations – like the Alzheimer’s Association – the mentoring service begins with a person simply scheduling a time to virtually meet with Karla. During the 30-minute session, the family shares their current situation… while Karla listens and offers insights on resources and support within the greater community that matches the family’s needs. 

And this meeting can be just the beginning… So Many Goodbyes will remain connected to families, as needed and wanted, throughout their Alzheimer’s marathon. 

Who Benefits

Honestly, every family saying So Many Goodbyes who needs that extra empathetic voice, perspective or sounding board will benefit from this complimentary consultation. This service simply reflects Karla’s desire to remind everyone dealing with this daunting disease, “you are not alone.”

Those wishing to provide some compensation for this outreach can donate to the Alzheimer’s Association, an organization Karla considers a critical “General” in the Alzheimer’s battle. 


We Want to Help You.